The Chief Officer, NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), gave an update to the Board on the Integrated Care System (ICS) for the North East and Cumbria; outlined the background and purpose of the ICS and Integrated Care Partnerships (ICP) key challenges; the features and key principles of ICS Partnership Assemblies; key benefits to local people; the proposals for new clinical commissioning groups for the Tees Valley and Durham CCG’s; the current arrangements; what CCG’s do; the reasons for the changes; the proposals for change; key principles and expected benefits; and including the next steps.
The Chief Executive Officer, Healthwatch Darlington reported at the meeting that a significant piece of work had been undertaken in respect of the NHS Long Term Plan which included local Healthwatch from 14 areas, seeking thoughts on the priorities of the ICS and ICP; that a report was due to be published; and that Healthwatch Darlington would also be co-ordinating local Healthwatch from five areas to gather thoughts on the proposed CCG merger.
RESOLVED – That the thanks of the Board be conveyed to the Chief Officer, NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group, for her update.
REASON – To convey the views of the Board.