Report of the Director of Children and Adults Services, Darlington Borough Council.
The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the proposed governance arrangements for the Integration Board (also previously circulated).
The submitted report stated that following an amendment to the terms of reference for this Board, the responsibility for the day to day issues of this Board had been passed to the Integration Board and outlined the proposed governance arrangements and how they related to the strategic, operational and joint commissioning working groups, various Boards and Strategies and to this Board.
It was reported at the meeting that following the introduction of the ‘life course’ approach by this Board, the role of the Integration Board had been strengthened, to ensure that there were robust arrangements in place; the terms of reference of the Integration Board had been reviewed; new Governance Arrangements had been proposed; a number of groups would feed directly into the Integration Board; and that the Integration Board would take a ‘forward planning’ approach.
Particular reference was made at the meeting on how any information would be fed back to Members of the Council.
RESOLVED – That the governance arrangements for the Integration Board, as appended to the submitted report, be noted.
REASON – To inform the Board of the governance arrangements for the Integration Board.
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