Agenda item

Learning and Skills Annual Report 2017/18

Report of the Director of Children and Adult Services


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on the performance of the Learning and Skills Service for the academic year 2017/18.


It was reported that the Learning and Skills Service continues to perform well with a ‘Good’ Ofsted grade whilst supporting some of the most vulnerable adults, young people and families in Darlington; and have put in place further checks and controls to ensure the service continues to perform at a high level as a result of the shift of provision due to a change in the demographic of the learners.


Members asked about progress since the last Ofsted inspection report and it was pointed out that growing apprenticeship numbers had proven difficult due to the changes to the apprenticeship funding model and the shift from frameworks to standards.  However, it was reported by the Head of Skills and Employability that the service had employed an Employer Engagement Officer to address this.  Members also asked how the Service could demonstrate the wider impact and it was agreed that some case studies would be shared with the next annual report.   


The submitted report also highlighted some challenges to be faced in 2019/20 with the devolution of the Adult Education Budget and ongoing challenges of apprenticeship funding.


General discussion ensued among Members on the provision of apprenticeships and their concerns around the apprenticeship levy; and the impact of the devolution of the Adult Education Budget to the Tees Valley Combined Authority to support the adult learning provision for Tees Valley residents and Members agreed that they would monitor this to see how it affects our learners.


Members also agreed that it would be useful to speak with a representative of the Education and Skills Funding Agency to share data on how the funding for apprenticeships is allocated and be requested to attend a future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED – That the annual report be noted.

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