Agenda item

Darlington Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019/24

Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Cabinet Member with the Housing, Health and Partnerships Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the Darlington Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019/24 (also previously circulated).


The submitted report stated that Section 1(1) of the Homelessness Act 2002 requires housing authorities to carry out a homelessness review for their area and to formulate and publish a homelessness strategy based on the results of the review every five years; the strategy consisted of four main sections; following concern from the Government about rough sleeping, homeless strategies had been rebadged as homeless and rough sleeping strategies; outlined the aim of the strategy; and stated that the Adults and Housing Scrutiny Committee had been consulted on the draft strategy.


RESOLVED - That the Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019/24, as appended to the submitted report, be approved.


REASON - The Strategy identifies current and future needs and how we can best meet those needs.


Supporting documents: