Agenda item

Redevelopment of the Victorian Indoor Market

Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the allocation of funds for the redevelopment of the Darlington Victorian Indoor Market.


The submitted report stated that in 2017 the Council entered into a partnership agreement with Market Asset Management Limited (MAM) for the management and refurbishment of the Victorian Indoor Market and the management and improvement of Darlington’s outdoor market; outlined the aims of the partnership; the partnership agreement with MAM; the work undertaken with MAM to ensure the necessary works were delivered in a timely fashion; the main elements of the redevelopment proposals; and the financial and legal implications.


Particular references were made to the inclusion of toilets in the plans for the Indoor Market; the funds available through the Government’s Future High Street Fund; and to the loss of stalls in the Indoor Market.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the principle of making the additional investment, from the Tees Valley Combined Authority Indigenous Growth Fund, in the Victorian Market project for the development of the Winter Garden and food and beverage outlets, as detailed in the submitted report, be supported.


(b)  That Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Economy and Regeneration, be given delegated authority to proceed and to bring a further update back to Cabinet when costings are finalised, planning is confirmed, and an execution plan detailed.


REASON – To contribute to the further economic wellbeing and vitality of the Town Centre.


Supporting documents: