Agenda item

Fixed Penalty Notice Charges

Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Cabinet Member with the Community Safety Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to updating the existing charges for Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN’s) with regard to environmental crime.


The submitted report stated that new legislation had been introduced that enabled the Council to issue FPN’s for a wider range of offences, such as fly tipping and littering from vehicles; outlined the proposed charges for those offences; and arrangements that would apply for under 18’s who committed offences.


Discussion ensued on the increase in charges; how they compared with other neighbouring local authorities; how any additional revenue would be spent; and the enforcement of the domestic waste receptacle offences.


RESOLVED - That the proposed charges and early discount payments, as detailed in the appendix to the submitted report, be approved, with an implementation date of October 2019.


REASON - To provide an effective deterrent against environmental crime within the Borough.


Supporting documents: