Agenda item

Performance Indicators Q4 2018/19

Report of Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report to provide Members with performance data against key performance indicators for 2018/19 at Quarter 4. The submitted report provided performance information in line with an indicator set previously agreed by the Monitoring and Coordination Group, and subsequently by Scrutiny Committee Chairs. The indicators contained within the report were aligned to key priorities, and the majority of the indicators were used to monitor the Corporate Plan 2017/21. Members were informed that eighteen key performance indicators were reported to the Committee, of which twelve related to Adult Social Care, and six to Housing Services.


The submitted report stated that of the twelve Adult Social Care key performance indicators, two (ASC 054 and ASC 055) were reported annually and did not appear within this report, and seven of the remaining ten indicators had targets. It was noted that five of these indicators had achieved their year-end targets (ASC 002; ASC 003; ASC 045; ASC 046 and ASC 049), with two indicators below the year-end target (ASC 050 – ‘Proportion of Carers using Social Care who receive Self-Directed Support’ and ASC 019 – ‘Percentage of People who have No Ongoing Care Needs following Completion of Provision of a Reablement Package’).


Members were informed that, of the six Housing Services indicators, four indicators had targets. Two of these indicators had achieved target this quarter (HBS 034 – ‘Average Number of Days to Re-Let Dwellings’ and HBS 072 – ‘Gas Servicing’), whilst two had not achieved target this quarter (HBS 013 – ‘Rent Arrears’ and HBS 016 – ‘Rent Collected’). 


Members examined the Adult Social Care key performance indicators initially, and entered into discussion on the reporting system and were informed that the format in which data is provided to the Committee is being reviewed; the difference between residential care and extra care schemes; the importance and the development of the Council’s Reablement offer; the proportion of disabled adults in receipt of an Adult Social Care package who were in employment, and how this failed to recognise those disabled adults on benefits provided by the Department for Work and Pensions who were not in receipt of an Adult Social Care package; and the purpose and mechanism of ‘self-directed support’ and ‘direct payment’.


Members received an overview of the Housing Services key performance indicators, and discussion ensued on the impact that the introduction of Universal Credit had on rent arrears and rent collection, and the uncertainty surrounding the number of tenants that may be affected; the aspiration to move to a position of ‘No First Night Out’ in terms of preventing homelessness, and the new legal requirement for a wide range of public and voluntary sector organisations to make referrals as regard to homelessness; and the work done to reduce the time it took to re-let dwellings.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

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