Agenda item

Darlington Healthy Lifestyle Survey

Report of the Director of Public Health, Darlington Borough Council


The Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) updating the Board on the results and key messages from the Darlington Healthy Lifestyle Survey and informing the Board that the Healthy Lifestyle Survey was being reviewed.


The submitted report stated that the survey gathered and analysed information from children and young people in Darlington about their attitudes and behaviours across a range of health related topics; that this information was used to inform strategic planning service delivery and practice; and that the results were used to challenge peer pressure and negative stereotypes of young people.


In presenting the report the Public Health Principal outlined the key messages from the survey for the academic year 2018/19; stated that the survey had been undertaken by 6560 pupils aged between 9 and 16 years of age across 23 primary and seven secondary schools; the results indicated that young people in Darlington largely understood the health information and messages they received; and that they acted on the information and messages through exhibiting positive attitudes and health seeking behaviours.


It was reported that a review of the survey was underway which focussed on revisiting the core Social Norms principles and purpose of the survey and that a programme of engagement was underway which included a series of questionnaires and focus groups to inform the next survey in the new academic year.


RESOLVED – (a) That the results of the survey, be noted, and considered in future discussions in relation to young people’s priorities.


(b) That the current review of the Healthy Lifestyle survey, be supported, and any recommendations be considered at a future meeting of the Board.


REASON – (a) The survey is an annual process using an established methodology and provides a ‘snap shot’ of the attitudes and beliefs and self- reported health behaviours of young people in Darlington.


(b) The survey has been running in Darlington for a number of years and it has been identified that the survey has become large and complex to administer and complete. Work is required to revisit the size and identify the key questions and themes for the survey to achieve the original purpose.



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