Agenda item

Work Programme

Report of the Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the proposed work programme items scheduled to be considered by this Committee and to give consideration to any additional areas Members would like to include. 

It was reported that, in future, all items to be considered by Cabinet would be included on the Forward Plan and it was suggested that this could be a useful plan for this Scrutiny Committee to use in agreeing its work items going forward.   Reference was also made to the Quad of Aims process which was in operation.

Members also requested that an informal session be held to enable Members to better understand the scope and remit of the Scrutiny Committee and it was also suggested that Members look at previous agenda items to gain information and understanding.


In relation to the Performance Indicator information, it was confirmed that the ten indicators which it had been agreed would be reported to this Scrutiny Committee was not an exhaustive list, additional indicators were reported and monitored by Officers and that it was useful for Members to be aware of those indicators which were performing well as well as those which were below target.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

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