Agenda item

Independent Reviewing Officer Annual Report 2018/19

Report of the Director of Children and Adult Services


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to set out the Independent Reviewing Officer Annual report for 2018/19.


The submitted report provided Members with an overview of the work of the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) service in relation to Looked After Children, and an overview of the performance of the unit.


The submitted report also provided information on the role of the IRO’s and statutory and non-statutory functions that the service is responsible for; detailed staffing levels and caseloads; provided statistical information relating to the number of Looked After Children and number and timeliness of Looked After Reviews; the number of children subject to Child Protection Plans and timeliness of Initial Child Protection Conferences; the Quality Assurance function; and the next steps for 2019/20, to include the appointment of an IRO Manager and completion of Annual Foster Carer Reviews.


Members acknowledged the progress to date that had been made in relation to the service and also the work that was being developed with the Tees Valley Combined Authority.


RESOLVED – That the annual report be noted.

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