Agenda item

Designated Officer Annual Report

Report of the Director of Children and Adult Services


The Director of Children and Adult Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to present the Designated Officer Annual Report 2018/19 and to provide Members with an update on the progress and performance of the Designated Officer between April 2018 and March 2019 and to highlight the required actions for April 2019 to March 2020.


The submitted report outlined the function of the Designated Officer in line with national guidance and all organisations working with children in Darlington are required to have policies and procedures in place outlining what their organisation should do in the event that an allegation is made against an employee or volunteer who has contact with children.  These policies and procedures are in line with Darlington Safeguarding Partnership procedures.


Members questions related to the aftercare support for those individuals who had been accused; the location of the Designated Officer role; and the increase of referrals over the past four years and the possible reasons for this increase.


RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the report and work undertaken during 2018/19 and the priorities for 2019/20 be noted.


(b) That the annual report be agreed.


(c) That the report be publicised on the Darlington Safeguarding Partnership website.


Supporting documents: