Consideration was given to membership changes of the Committees, Subsidiary Bodies and Other Bodies for the remainder of the Municipal Year 2019/20.
RESOLVED – (a) That Councillor Renton replace Councillor Bartch on the Adults and Housing Scrutiny Committee;
(b) That Councillors Dr. Chou and Lee replace Councillors Mrs. D. and B. Jones on the Health and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee;
(c) That Councillor Marshall replace Councillor Mills on the Corporate Parenting Panel;
(d) That Councillor Linda Hughes be appointed to the Labour vacancy for a Named Substitute on the Combined Fire Authority;
(e) That Councillor Heslop be appointed to the Labour vacancy for a Named Substitute on the Police and Crime Panel; and
(f) That Councillor McEwan be appointed to the Labour vacancy for a Named Substitute on the Durham, Darlington and Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby STP Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee.