Agenda item

Darlington Town Centre Strategy 2019/30 - Consultation Outcome

Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services.



The Leader introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the responses received from the public consultation undertaken on the draft Darlington Town Centre Strategy (2019?2030).  A full analysis of the consultation responses was appended to the submitted report.


The submitted report stated that the Darlington Town Centre Strategy proposed a new joint vision for the Town Centre and the development of several proposals that aimed at encouraging the delivery of key strategic sites in Darlington Town Centre, namely the Victorian Indoor Market; Skinnergate and the Yards and the Wynds; Northagte area; and Crown Street area.  Reference was also made to the financial, legal and equality considerations.


Discussion ensued on the whether consideration would be given to re-introducing a bus station in the Town Centre; the responses received to the consultation; and to proposals for Town Centre living.


RESOLVED - That the Darlington Town Centre Strategy 2019-2030, be adopted.


REASONS - (a)  To ensure that the Council has an established and agreed vision for the future of Darlington Town Centre.


(b)  To contribute to the further economic wellbeing and vitality of the Town Centre.


Supporting documents: