Agenda item

Mental Health and Autism Update

Report of Director, Durham, Darlington and Tees Mental Health and Learning Disabilities CCG Partnership and Report of Director of Public Health


The Director of Durham, Darlington and Tees Mental Health and Learning Disabilities CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) Partnership submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Board with details of the key activity for the mental health and autism service provision in Darlington during the 2018/19 financial year, and details of activity commenced in the 2019/20 financial year.


The submitted report stated that Darlington services were based upon a Healthy New Towns approach; focussed on three key areas of regeneration, new models of care and digital technology; and that preventing mental ill health was a joint strategic priority for all partner agencies across the statutory and voluntary sector.


Reference was made to the services in place in Darlington; all targets were being met or exceeded; and CCG spend had increased every year in line with the Future in Mind transformation funding and Mental Health Investment Standard.


Discussion ensued on the support for people with dual diagnosis and co-existing medical conditions; the need for assurance in respect of autism services in Darlington; and that planning of services for 2020/2021 was underway and an update would be provided at a future meeting of the Board.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.


REASON – To enable the Board to consider the work on Mental Health and the Autism.




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