Report of Director of Children and Adults Services
The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating the Board on the 2019/20 Darlington Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan submission; and of the BCF plans beyond the current period.
It was reported that the BCF was a programme spanning both the NHS and Local Government; sought to join up health and care services; and brought together ring fenced budgets from Clinical Commissioning Group allocations and funding paid directly to local government.
The submitted report stated that the plan continued to be delivered at expected levels across the seven work streams; detailed the breakdown of the funding package; the future of BCF funding beyond the current period was to be confirmed; and an options exercise was underway across all funded schemes.
The BCF Plan for 2019/20 had been approved with no major changes to the requirements from 2017/19.
RESOLVED – (a) That the submission of the 2019/20 plan and expected timescales for approval, be noted.
(b) That the current position in respect of the BCF for 2020/21 be noted.
REASON – (a) The current year of the BCF plan is a continuation of previous years with the programme delivering well against the required metrics.
(b) Quarterly submissions will continue to be reported and submitted highlighting progress.
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