Report of the Assistant Director – Xentrall Shared Services
The Assistant Director, Xentrall Shared Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide a six monthly progress update in relation to the implementation of the ICT Strategy.
The ICT Strategy focussed on three strategic priorities of ICT Governance and Service Development, ICT Strategic Architecture and Council Service Development and Transformation; and summarised progress on the main activities within each of these priorities.
The submitted report highlighted a number of architecture projects during the last six months including the detailed design of a new wide-area and data network; a successful migration of the Council’s external telephony from traditional copper circuits to a more resilient flexible and cost effective fibre-based internet system; an upgrade to the wireless network core that runs services across Council buildings; procurement of both a telephony core management system upgrade and an upgraded video conferencing service; continuing developments surrounding the migration and deployment of the Microsoft Office 35 suite of systems; and commencement of a replacement programme for ageing Windows 7 Desktops.
The submitted report also outlined a further ten services specific projects that had been completed since the last progress report to this Committee.
Members questioned future use of telephone conferencing facilities and also requested a fuller explanation of the Microsoft Office 365 roll-out and the features this brings and, in particular how important information was being safeguarded against incorrect deletion and the record management practices in place.
RESOLVED – That the progress report on the implementation of the ICT Strategy be noted.
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