The Commissioning Delivery Manager, NHS Darlington CCG submitted a briefing paper to inform Members of Darlington CCG’s change to the school vision screening pathway, commencing 3 September 2018.
Members were informed that the Children’s Vision Screening
Pathway, which is
commissioned by Darlington Borough Council as part of the 0-19
service provided by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation
Trust, is to change on 3 September 2018
following a review of the current pathway. The review highlighted that 11 per cent of
Darlington reception aged children were referred to hospital eye
service orthoptists for further management following failed vision
screening and that a significant number of those referrals were not
was stated that children who currently fail vision screening have
suspected amblyopia (lazy eye) or are considered to have other
pathology, for example, squint and are referred to hospital eye
services for further management. Onward
referral costs are subsequently picked up by the respective CCG for
which the child has a registered GP practice.
noted that health commissioners have worked closely with colleagues
from the Council, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust and
the Local Optical Committee (LOC) to review the current pathway
which was contributing towards the overall increasing number of
referrals to hospital eye services.
Darlington CCG has subsequently agreed to commission a
Children’s Community Optometry Service which will eliminate
the requirement for onward referral to hospital services for failed
vision screening or suspected amblyopia.
Children who have failed vision screening or suspected amblyopia
will now have their care delivered by a community optical practice
at a time and place suitable for the child and parent/guardian to
attend. This includes weekends which
ensures that children are not taken out of school and
parents/guardians need not necessarily take time off work to attend
appointments with their children.
Introduction of this new community service will make the best use of public funds, ensuring the health care needs of local children are met; and reducing health inequalities by delivering a clinically effective quality service close to home. Capacity will also be created at hospital eye services enabling the Ophthalmology Team to manage those children with more complex pathology.
Members were informed that there were currently six practices within Darlington and 50 practices overall within Darlington and County Durham that offered the service.
A similar service is working well in neighbouring CCG areas and ensures that children attending a Durham school and registered with a Darlington GP will not experience cross border issues.
Discussion and challenge ensued on which practices offered the service in Darlington as it was felt that some were not very co-operative at offering week-end appointments for children. The CCG representative assured Members that this would be addressed as children should have access at all times.
The Director of Public Health welcomed the change to the pathway as NHS England had recently published the Healthy Child Programme.
RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.
(b) That the change in the Children’s Vision Screening Pathway be welcomed.