Agenda item

Childhood Healthy Weight Plan

Report of the Director of Public Health


The Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an overview on the progress of the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan


It was reported that the aim of the Plan was to ensure that more children leave primary school aged 10-11 years with a healthy weight and sets out a whole system approach to tackling obesity and it was reported that in Darlington childhood obesity is above the national average at both reception and year 6 age groups and the percentage of children at year 6 who are categorised as obese in Darlington was 21.2 per cent.


The submitted report outlined the overall objectives of the Healthy Weight Plan; gave details of the multi-agency session that was held on 24 September 2019 to officially launch the Plan and the feedback gathered from the partnership event; and outlined the actions that had been proposed to align with the priorities of the Plan to achieve a population approach to tackling the issue.


Discussion ensued on how this authority can work with developers to ensure that new housing developments incorporate green spaces and play areas to encourage healthier lifestyles; and how the Plan will raise awareness to encourage more children with a healthy weight and to work with Planning Officers to highlight the impact of planning decisions on childhood obesity.


Members also discussed advertising of ‘junk food’ near schools and in bus shelters; promoting active travel; examining planning and licensing legislation to minimise the number of fast food outlets and how the authority can work with schools to enforce this message; and acknowledging pre-birth and maternal obesity.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.


(b) That Members support the actions set out in the report to implement a whole system approach to tackling obesity.


(c) That Members of this Scrutiny continue to receive regular updates on any actions from the Partnership


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