Agenda item

Update on Children's Services Improvements and Outcomes of Single Inspection Framework Re-Inspection

Report of Director of Children and Adult Services


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the outcome of the Single Inspection Framework (SIF) Re-inspection conducted during February and March 2018.

The submitted report set out the inspection findings, published on 21 May 2018, which had cited considerable improvements and concluded that, overall, Children’s Services in Darlington had improved considerably from a position of inadequate in 2015 to now requiring improvement to be good.

It was reported that the progress was a considerable achievement, pivotal to which was dynamic leadership, effective political and corporate support and significant resourcing of the improvement journey.


Discussion ensued on Ofsted’s framework for its new inspection regime which was rolled out in January 2018 and which involved more frequent contact with authorities to identify what was working well and catching authorities before they fell and it was suggested that training be given to Members on this new framework.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the findings of the SIF re-inspection of Children’s Services be noted and the congratulations on this Committee be extended to the Director of Children and Adult Services and her staff on the outcome.


(b)  That the revised inspection framework that the Council is now subject to be noted.


(c)  That it be noted that an Improvement Plan will be developed in response to the recommendations.


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