Agenda item

South View, The Green, Great Burdon


19/00727/FUL - Rear and single storey side extension along with erection of two storey front extension with single storey porch and property facades to be a mix of render, brick and timber cladding.


(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), two letters of objection, the objection raised by the Parish Council, the views of the Council’s Conservation Officer and the County Archaeologist).


RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.    A3 - Implementation Limit (Three Years)


2.    The development shall be carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans as detailed below:


(a)       Proposed Elevations, drawing number BR02 Rev. A

(b)       Proposed Ground Floor Plan, drawing number SV02

(c)        Proposed First Floor Plan, drawing number BR07


Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning application to vary this condition and any non-material change to the plans will require the submission of details and the agreement in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to any non-material change being made.


REASON -In order to ensure that the development is carried out in complete accordance with the approved plans and any material and non-material alterations to the scheme are properly considered.


3.    No development hereby approved shall be erected above damp proof course level until samples and details of the external materials to be used in the construction of the development have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


REASON – In the interests of visual amenity and the setting of the adjacent Grade II listed building.


4.    No development shall take place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation that has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The Scheme shall provide for:


i.              Measures to ensure the preservation in situ, or the preservation by record, of archaeological features of identified importance.


ii.            Methodologies for the recording and recovery of archaeological remains including artefacts and ecofacts.


iii.           Post-fieldwork methodologies for assessment and analyses.


iv.           Report content and arrangements for dissemination, and publication proposals.


v.            Archive preparation and position with recognised repositories.


vi.           A timetable of works in relation to the proposed development, including sufficient notification and allowance of time to ensure that the site work is undertaken and completed in accordance with the strategy.


vii.          Monitoring arrangements, including the notification in writing by the County Durham Principal Archaeologist of the commencement of archaeological works and the opportunity to monitor such works.


viii.         A list of all staff involved in the implementation of the strategy, including sub-contractors and specialists, their responsibilities and qualifications.


The archaeological mitigation strategy shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and timings.


REASON – To comply with paragraphs 197 and 199 of the NPPF because the site is of archaeological interest.


5.    Prior to the development being beneficially occupied, a copy of any analysis, reporting, publication or archiving required as part of the mitigation strategy shall be deposited at the County Durham Historic Environment Record. 


REASON – To comply with paragraph 199 of the NPPF which ensures information gathered becomes publicly accessible.

Supporting documents: