Agenda item

Early Interventions for Looked After Children Missing From Care

Report of the Director of Children and Adult Services


The Director of Children and Adult Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide information regarding children who are Looked After and who experience missing from home episodes following a request by Members at the meeting held on 16 April 2018.


The submitted report outlined some of the reasons children and young people may go missing; the link between children and young people who go missing and exploitation; and Ofsted feedback regarding the management of children and young people who go missing from home and care.


The submitted report also detailed interventions in place to address and reduce missing episodes for children and young people including this authority’s procedures for managing children and young people who go missing; placement stability and the duty on the local authority to place a child or young person in the most appropriate placement; and a Secure Order which can be obtained from the Court if all other options for the child or young person have been exhausted.


Members questioned whether information was kept on whether those missing from care had any specific special needs and expressed the importance of having this information as there was evidence to suggest that children on the autistic spectrum were more likely to go missing and also be at risk of sexual exploitation; and that going missing was the first sign that there were problems.


Councillor C Hughes confirmed that every case of missing from care was thoroughly examined by her and the Director of Children and Adults Services and any social aspects were taken into consideration.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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