Agenda item

Voluntary and Community Sector Funding: Update on Pilot Community Based Initiatives

Report of the Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Transformation


The Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the community based initiatives, funded from Voluntary Sector Development Fund monies and being piloted during 2019/20.


The report stated that approval had been given in 2018 for the implementation of seven pilot community based initiatives; that £142,000 had initially been allocated, with an additional £21,000 made available from the Community Facilities Fund; and a multi-agency steering group was in place to manage the funding.


The submitted report outlined the seven initiatives, including aims and amount of allocated funding for each initiative.


Particular reference was made to the success of Initiatives 2 and 3 – Mutual Gain; the local community group involved in these projects, TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) was nominated as a finalist for Durham Constabulary POP awards; and the need to utilise existing services and resources in place was highlighted.


RESOLVED – (a) That the progress report be noted.


(b) That this Scrutiny Committee receive an end of year update.

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