Agenda item

Children and Young People's Plan 2017/22 - Progress Update

Report of the Director of Children and Adults Servies


The Director of Children and Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on the progress to date against the delivery of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) 2017/22.


The Plan, which covers a five year period,  is one of the identified delivery plans within the Sustainable Community Strategy and identifies what key actions will be taken to deliver the agreed Sustainable Community Strategy priority of the best start in life for every child which was adopted by Council on 29 September 2017.


The submitted report highlighted the seven priorities for the next five years and it had been previously agreed by the Multi-agency Steering Group (MASG) to focus on two of the priority actions for year one and moving into year two of the five year delivery plan, it had also been agreed by the MASG to continue with the focus on improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children and young people (priority three) and Youth unemployment (priority six) be replaced by child poverty (priority four).


The submitted report provided an update on the Year two priorities being to improve the mental health and emotional wellbeing of all children and young people and to reduce the number of children and young people living in poverty; outlined the work of the MASG which is Chaired by the Assistant Director for Commissioning, Performance and Transformation; and advised that the Communications Team continue their work with Children’s Services on any communications activities deemed necessary in relation to specific elements of the CYPP or other projects that may link to the CYPP.


Discussion ensued on the #DarloMillions campaign aimed at addressing family poverty and Members requested a breakdown of available funding and how it is utilised; and ‘highlighted the need for improved signposting for all available funding and support. Members were also advised of Voluntary and Community Sector Funding in place help address social isolation in adults and older people and to support vulnerable families with children and young people.


Concern was raised in respect of the accessibility of ‘Kooth’, the online counselling and support tool for those with dyslexia and learning disabilities and Members were assured that this was being addressed. The Director of Commissioning, Performance and Transformation advised Members that the pilot of ‘Kooth’ was due to end in summer 2020 and the impact and outcomes of this service would then be measured and the demonstration site shared with Members for information.


Members requested further information in respect of the success of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in supporting the mental health needs of children leaving care; and questioned if other types of therapy had been considered.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



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