Agenda item

Information Governance Programme Progress Report

Report of the Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) on the progress and planned developments of the Information Governance Programme.


It was reported that information governance is no longer an ‘above the line’ risk on the Corporate Risk Register and that delivery of the programme has provided the assurance required to reduce the information risks to an acceptable level.

The submitted report outlined the ongoing work, together with those areas of highest priority within the programme, with particular reference being made to the transfer of data between the Council and its data processors in the event of a no deal Brexit.


Members considered Appendix 2 which showed the position at the end of October with regard to the completion of the mandatory on-line information governance courses and noted that completion rates of over 95 per cent represented an acceptable level of take up, however a number of services completion rates were below the target.  It was agreed that the Complaints and Information Governance Manager raise the Audit Committee Members concerns with the relevant Directors.


RESOLVED – That the progress on the Information Governance Programme be noted.


Supporting documents: