Report of Director of Children and Adult Services
Director of Children and Adult Services submitted a report
(previously circulated) updating Members on the Home Care and
Support Contract which commenced on 2 October 2018.
It was
reported that the Contract, which was a three-year contract, was
operating within a new model, with the Borough being divided into
two geographical zones (east and west) with a single prime provider
delivering support within each zone.
contract providers were Careline and
Positive Life Choices (PLC), however, there was also a safety net
of ten additional framework providers who were offered packages in
instances where either of the prime providers was unable to meet
demand, with a further four framework agreements in place to meet
the needs of people with learning disabilities, mental health
issues and dementia, autism and vulnerable families with
Officers reported that a smooth transition to the new contract had been achieved and that they were, overall, pleased with the performance of the providers to date.
Particular reference was made to the monitoring visit to PLC which had highlighted some concerns in relation to medication and staff supervision and Members were reassured that PLC had responded promptly to the concerns and a time-bound action plan had been developed to demonstrate how full contractual compliance would be achieved and that, if there were any on-going safeguarding issues, they would be picked up at the scheduled safeguarding strategy meetings.
RESOLVED – That the report be received and that Members note the on-going contract management arrangements and that the current contract service model continues to perform very well.
Supporting documents: