Agenda item

Warm Homes Project

Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services.


The Cabinet Member with the Stronger Communities Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) providing an update on the previous Cabinet report of 9 January 2018 (Minute C98/Jan/18 refers), in relation to approval to participate in a Tees Valley Partnership to deliver Warm Homes Fund Project (WHF) and to agree to share financial risk with four Local Authority partners.


The submitted report stated that in July 2017, the National Grid and Community Interest Company, Affordable Warmth Solution (AWS) established a £150M Warm Homes Fund; a consortium, led bid by Northumberland County Council, of seven local authorities, including Darlington, registered housing providers and community partners had made a successful joint bid for Year 1 funding of £1.8M; that whilst the bid was successful, the number of measures delivered were much higher in Northumberland than any of the other partners; a further bid for funding in Year 2 was unsuccessful; a Round 3 bid for funding was submitted by a consortium of the Tees Valley Affordable Warmth Partnership, led by Stockton Borough Council, which approved but was later rejected; and that a Round 4 bid had been submitted to AWS, by the Tees Valley Affordable Warmth Partnership, for £4,065,284


Particular reference was made to the number of eligible properties; the importance of identifying those properties that were most in need; the sharing of the risks of the project with the other Local Authorities; the implications on the social landlords; and to the work that was being undertaken to ensure landlords had appropriate measures in place.


RESOLVED - (a)  That, subject to the successful award and acceptance of grant by Stockton Borough Council, participation in the Warm Homes Fund Partnership be continued to deliver energy efficiency measures across the Borough.


(b)  That the potential clawback, as detailed in paragraph 36 of the submitted report, be underwritten by the Council.


(c)  That the underspend on the Housing Investment Programme Capital Grant (SHIP3) be allocated to the Warm Homes Project, to mitigate the potential clawback risk.  


REASONS - (a)  Participation in the project will deliver energy efficiency improvements for qualifying residents in the Borough.  Funding availability elsewhere is now greatly reduced compared to previous years.


(b)  Fuel poverty levels in the Borough will be reduced and associated problems will be reduced.  ?????


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