Agenda item

Scrutiny Committees - Proposed Terms of Reference

Report of the Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members gave consideration to a number of changes to the names and Terms of Reference for the Council’s Scrutiny Committees, and to enable the necessary consequential amendments to the Council’s Constitution to be made.


The submitted report stated that following the changes to the Cabinet Portfolios, made by the Leader of the Council with effect from 1 December 2019, Officers had been requested to review the existing Terms of Reference for the Council’s Scrutiny Committee’s with a view to aligning them more closely with the amended Cabinet Portfolios. 


The submitted report advised that the proposed changes to the Scrutiny Committee names and remits had been considered by each of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees and no further amendments had been proposed.


RESOLVED – (a) That the proposed changes to the Scrutiny Committee names and remits, as set out in Appendix 2 of the submitted report, be approved.


(b) That the Assistant Director, Law and Governance, be authorised to make the consequential amendments to the Council’s Constitution.


REASONS – (a) To align the remit and names of the Scrutiny Committees so that they correlate better to the changes being made to the Cabinet Portfolios.


(b) To ensure the changes are reflected in the Council’s Constitution.

Supporting documents: