Report of the Managing Director
The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members gave consideration to the establishment and appointment of Members to a Joint Health Scrutiny Committee with Durham County Council, to consider the proposed changes to County Durham and Darlington Stroke Rehabilitation Services and General Impatient Rehabilitation Services (Ward 6) at Bishop Auckland Hospital.
The submitted report stated that the three NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in County Durham and Darlington (NHS Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCG (DDES), Darlington CCG and North Durham CCG) had launched two public consultations to ask local people to share their views and ideas on Stroke Rehabilitation Services and Inpatient Rehabilitation (Ward 6) at Bishop Auckland Hospital, and that as the proposals are believed to be of ‘significant development or substantial variation’ in NHS Services, the establishment of a Joint Health Scrutiny was required in order to provide a formal response to those consultations.
RESOLVED – (a) That, as the proposals relating to the changes to County Durham and Darlington Stroke Rehabilitation Services and General Impatient Rehabilitation Services (Ward 6) at Bishop Auckland Hospital, are regarded as significant, the establishment of a Joint Health Scrutiny Committee, be supported.
(b) That the Conservative and Labour Groups be requested to nominate two Members each, from their membership of the Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee, to sit on the Joint Committee.
REASONS - (a) To ensure that this Council can participate in the review of proposals for the County Durham and Darlington Stroke Rehabilitation Services and General Impatient Rehabilitation Services (Ward 6) at Bishop Auckland Hospital
(b) To ensure that this Council is represented on the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Supporting documents: