Agenda item

Notice of Motion - To consider a Motion submitted by Councillor Harker, and seconded by Councillor Paley


This Council agrees:


‘To urge the Executive to make immediately available to all Darlington Borough Councillors a written copy of the presentation given on Thursday, 31st October 2019, regarding traffic modelling associated with the draft Local Plan, on the understanding that councillors can share the information with the public.’


The following Motion was moved by Councillor Harker, and seconded by Councillor Paley:


This Council agrees:


‘To urge the Executive to make immediately available to all Darlington Borough Councillors a written copy of the presentation given on Thursday, 31st October 2019, regarding traffic modelling associated with the draft Local Plan, on the understanding that councillors can share the information with the public.’


In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, a request was made by five Members for a named vote on the Substantive Motion. A named vote was taken of those Members present at the meeting and there appeared:-


For the Motion – The Mayor, Councillors Cossins, Crumbie, Harker, Haszeldine, Holroyd, Howarth, C. L. B. Hughes, L. Hughes, Layton, Lister, Lucas, McCollom, McEwan, Newall, M. Nicholson, Paley, A. J. Scott and Snedker (19)


Against the Motion – Councillors Allen, Bartch, Boddy, Dr. Chou, Clarke, Crudass, Mrs. Culley, Donoghue, Dulston, Durham, Howell, Johnson, B. Jones, Mrs. D. Jones, Keir, Laing, Lee, Marshall, K. Nicholson, Preston, Renton, Mrs. H. Scott, Tait, Tostevin and Wright (25)


The Motion was Lost.