Agenda item

Suicide Prevention Update


The Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Board on the Suicide Prevention Plan (also previously circulated) and local position for Darlington.


The submitted report stated that the action plan for the Darlington Suicide Prevention Group, a multi-agency group, was developed in 2016; the action plan was being refreshed following a number of key regional and local work streams and would be concluded in 2020. Darlington suicide rates are not statistically different than the national and regional averages; there had been 36 suicides in Darlington between 2016 and 2018 (ONS source data). An early alert system for coordinating information around suspected suicides in Darlington had been reviewed.


Discussion ensued on signposting for counselling and support services.


RESOLVED – (a) That the update on suicide prevention plans for Darlington be accepted, and the revision of the action plan in April 2020, be noted.


(b) That the actions to implement a whole system approach to suicide prevention across Darlington, as set out in submitted report, be supported.


REASON – (a) Suicide remains a high public health priority and local authorities have a responsibility alongside key partners, to implement and deliver local suicide prevention plans.


(b) In line with national and regional strategy, there is a drive to reduce the overall suicide rate with funding attached to encourage local multi-agency action.