Agenda item

Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan

Report of Director of Public Health


The Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan.


It was reported that the scope and vision of the Plan was to ensure that more children leave primary school aged 10-11 years with a healthy weight; that childhood obesity in Darlington was above the national average at both reception and Year 6 age groups; that 21.2 per cent of Darlington children at Year 6 were categorised as obese; and obesity was linked to a range of diseases.


The submitted report detailed the overall objectives of the Healthy Weight Plan; outlined the partnership event held on 24 September 2019 to officially launch the Plan and the key themes identified from discussions at the event; and outlined the actions that had been proposed to align with the priorities of the Plan to achieve a population approach to tackling the issue.


Discussion ensued on engagement with parents, local supermarkets, shops and restaurants; and the Public Health Portfolio Lead advised Members that the Plan was underpinned by a strong communications plan which would target the whole community.


Reference was made to the vending machine provision in the town and the need for healthier food and drink choices, in particular for those vending machines located within council buildings. The Head of Leisure assured Members that the Dolphin Centre vending machines provided a balanced option to customers; and that Members comments would be taken into consideration.


Following a question it was confirmed that new parents received advice from the midwifery service in respect of breastfeeding and noted that the Health Visiting Service would be an opportune time to provide nutrition advice to parents in respect of a child’s early years.


Members made reference to their responsibility in promoting physical activity in the community; and it was confirmed that a Darlington Young Advisors Board had been established to undertake engagement work with young people.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.


(b) That Members support the actions set out in the report (previously circulated) to implement a whole systems approach to tackling obesity.



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