Agenda item

Borough of Darlington Proposed Submission Local Plan 2016 to 2036

Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services.


The Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio introduced the report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the changes to the Darlington Local Plan following the consultation that had been undertaken between 21 June and 2 August 2018; publication of the proposed submission copy of the Local Plan, including the proposed changes, for the statutory six week period to allow representations to be received prior to submission for independent examination; a number of delegated powers to the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio Holder; and the revised timetable and process for producing the new Local Plan (including the revision of the Local Development Scheme).


The submitted report stated that an up to date Local Plan was essential to meet the development needs of the Borough and to enable the Council to shape and maintain control of development; the Plan was a framework for growth and aimed at ensuring that Darlington became an even more sustainable location in which people choose to live, work and visit; the Plan provided the Council with the required spatial guidance and direction to contribute to and enable the structured development of the Borough; outlined the consultation process; provided a summary of the key changes; and outlined the next steps.


Representations were made by members of the public in attendance at the meeting in respect of the Skerningham Strategic Allocation Site and in particular the removal of one of the proposed access roads to the site across Springfield Park; one of the other alternative access roads to the site via Barmpton Lane/Whinbush Way; sites 21 and 392 Elm Tree Farm; the green space at Sparrow Hall Drive; and the additional engagement events held in January 2020 to inform the public and other stakeholders of the results of the traffic remodelling work  that had been undertaken in relation to the site.  Representation was also made at the meeting to the replacement of Site 009 with Site 403, at Blackwell Grange East, in response to representations made in relation to the historic parkland importance of site 009.


The Leader, Cabinet Member with the Economy and Regeneration Portfolio, Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services and Head of Planning Policy, Economic Strategy and Environment responded thereon.


RESOLVED - (a)  That the recommended changes to the Plan, in response to representations received as highlighted in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the submitted report, be agreed.


(b)  That the extra changes to the Plan and Policies Map suggested by officers and as a result of an Inspectors Advisory Visit, undertaken on 4 September 2019, and as highlighted in Appendix 3 of the submitted report, be agreed.


(c)  That no further changes be made to the Plan, as detailed in Appendix 4 of the submitted report.


(d)  That the changes in relation to the Sustainability Appraisal, as detailed at Appendix 5 of the submitted report, be agreed.


(e)  That the Local Development Scheme 2020-2023, as detailed at Appendix 6 of the submitted report, be approved to take immediate effect.


(f)  That the Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan be approved for a six?week pre-submission representation period.


(g)  That, following the conclusion of the pre-submission representation period, the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economy and Regeneration Portfolio, be authroised to make any minor editing and formatting changes necessary.


(h)  That the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economy and Regeneration, be authorised to thereafter submit the Proposed Submission Local Plan, including any changes made under (g) above, and other required documents to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.


(i)  That the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Portfolio holder for Economy and Regeneration, be authorised to ask the Inspector appointed to hold the Examination, to recommend such modifications to the Proposed Submission Local Plan and submission documents as may be necessary to satisfy the requirements as to soundness.


(j)  That it be recommended to the Special Council meeting scheduled to be held on 20 February 2020, that the Proposed Submission Local Plan, be approved and be placed on deposit to allow representation and then submitted to the Secretary of State for Independent Examination.


REASONS - (a)  Local Planning Authorities must prepare a Local Plan that sets out the local planning policies for their local planning authority area.  Government guidance requires that Local Plans must be positively prepared, justified, effective and be consistent with national policy, in accordance with Section 20 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).


(b)  The Council is required to have an up to date Local Development Scheme (Planning & Compulsory Act 2004, as amended by Section 111, Localism Act 2011).


Supporting documents: