Report of the Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Transformation
The Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on the community based initiatives funded from Voluntary Sector Development Fund monies, piloted during 2019/20.
It was reported that in late 2018, the Chief Officers Executive gave approval for the implementation of seven pilot community based initiatives using Voluntary Sector Development monies and agreed at a series of workshops attended by representatives from the Council, the Police, Health, Education, the Fire Brigade and a wide range of both small and large community and voluntary sector organisations.
The submitted report detailed the progress to date on each of the initiatives identified to reduce isolation and loneliness in adults to improve health and wellbeing and to provide early intervention support to vulnerable families to support children and young people to remain in education and live at home.
It was reported that there was initially £142,000 allocated and an additional £21,000 had recently been made available from the Community Facilities Fund which had been ring fenced to benefit the Skerne Park area of the borough.
Discussion ensued on the various community based initiatives and raised questions in relation to the methods of engagement, especially for those not involved in Community Groups and if the views of young people had also been collected; utilising Members Newsletters to continue engagement; and how success of the various initiatives will be collected and measured.
The Assistant Director, Commissioning, Performance and Transformation advised Members that a Steering Group had been established to monitor the success of the initiatives and as the community based initiatives cover a number of Scrutiny Committees she will provide a joint briefing at a future date.
RESOLVED – That the progress report be noted.
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