Agenda item

Home to School Transport

Verbal Update by Head of Education and Inclusion and Head of SEND and Inclusion


Pursuant to Minute CYP68/Jan/20, the Head of Education and Inclusion gave a verbal update on the current position regarding Home to School Transport following a request by Members at the Special Meeting held to consider the Medium Term Financial Plan for 2020-21 to 2023-24.


The Head of Education outlined the various challenges being faced by the authority and secondary schools with the introduction of the Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations (PSVAR) introduced on 31 December 2000 and its subsequent effect on school transport which has been a national issue.


It was reported that the introduction of the regulations would impact school fares being charged on the transport routes operated by schools which currently stand at £3.00 per day and had led to an increase up to £4.00 per day during the current academic year.


The Head of Education and Inclusion advised the Members that there had been a reduction in the number of fare paying parents going forward which had led to a shortfall in funding to operate those routes, however the local authority will continue to purchase seats at the new fare price and had committed further funds to maintain routes to the end of the 2019/20 school year.


The Local Authority will continue to work closely with schools on the arrangements for September 2020.


RESOLVED – That the verbal update be noted.