Agenda item

37 Pease Street


Change of use of care home to a House in Multiple Occupation.


(In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), nine letters of objection, a petition from 46 local residents objecting to the proposals, the views of Darlington Association on Disability, and the views of the Applicant, three Objectors and the Ward Councillor, whom the Committee heard).


RESOLVED – That Planning Permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.    A3 - Implementation Limit (Three Years)


2.    Thedevelopmentshallbecarriedoutin completeaccordancewiththe approvedplansasdetailedbelow:


(a)  Proposed Car Park Layout Plan – 2100-01

(b)  Proposed Floor Plan – 05.217.01


Any material change to the approved plans will require a formal planning

applicationtovarythisconditionandany non-materialchangeto theplanswill requirethesubmissionofdetailsandtheagreementin writingby theLocal PlanningAuthoritypriortoanynon-materialchangebeingmade.

REASON: Inordertoensurethatthedevelopmentiscarriedoutin completeaccordance withtheapprovedplansandany materialandnon-materialalterationsto the schemeareproperlyconsidered.

3.    The car parking area hereby approved shall be completed before the occupation of the property as a house in multiple occupation. Details of the surfacing and layout to be agreed by the Local Planning Authority prior to construction.


REASON: In the interest of residential amenity and road safety.


4.    The completed car park shall remain available for use during the occupation of the property as a house in multiple occupation


REASON: In the interest of residential amenity and road safety.


5.    Details of a two metre high close boarded fence and landscaping scheme to screen the car parking area from the neighbouring residential properties shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter the fencing and landscaping shall be implemented in accordance with the details as approved prior to the house in multiple occupation first being brought into use and shall be maintained for the lifetime of the development.


REASON – In the interest of residential amenity

Supporting documents: