Report of the Assistant Director - Resources
The Assistant Director – Resources submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members endorse the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group in respect of the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal.
The submitted report stated that the Appraisal Sub-Group had met on 9 March 2020 to consider the Managing Director’s Performance Appraisal, in accordance with the previously agreed process. The Appraisal Sub-Group noted that, as this was the first appraisal for the new post, no targets had been set for review, however the Managing Director did present a report on the priorities he had been working on following consultation with the three leaders he had worked with since his appointment. It was reported that the Appraisal Sub-Group had agreed the Managing Directors priorities for the following year.
RESOLVED – That, in respect of the Managing Director’s Appraisal, the Council note that the Appraisal Sub-Group has met to consider the Managing Director’s Appraisal for 2020/21 and has agreed that the Managing Director will undertake a 360 degree review of his performance, and that a further meeting of this Sub-Group be held in six months’ time to share that review information.
REASON – To enable the appraisal to be confirmed.
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