Report of the Managing Director
The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) in relation to items scheduled to be considered by this Scrutiny Committee during the 2020/21 Municipal Year and to consider any additional areas to be included in the work programme.
Members agreed that the Quad of Aims that had been received in relation to Adoptive Services be included in the work programme and also to examine how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the adoption of children.
Members discussed the impact of the pandemic on the sufficiency provision of early years and requested that this also be included in the annual report to Members scheduled for January 2021.
With regard to the Coronavirus Pandemic it was agreed that an update report on the impact of COVID-19 be presented to the Special Meeting of Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee scheduled for 13 July 2020.
Members also agreed that the presentation to Scrutiny by the Regional Schools Commissioner be re-arranged as soon as possible.
RESOLVED – That the work programme be noted.
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