Agenda item

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy 2020/21

Report of the Audit and Risk Manager


The Audit and Risk Manager submitted a report (previously circulated) advising Members of the Council’s anti-fraud and corruption arrangements for the period 2020/21.


It was reported that the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy which had been developed in line with CIPFA’s Code of Practice on Managing the Risk of Fraud and Corruption and addressed the five key themes within that Code, had been endorsed by senior management with a foreword provided by the Assistant Director Resources as the responsible finance officer and the Chair of this Committee.


It was reported that a number of actions were identified in the 2018/19 strategy and a position statement was provided in the 2019/20 update.


Members discussed how the risk of fraud is assessed and questioned if there was any evidence of emerging patterns of fraud across the neighbouring authorities as a result of Covid-19 and were advised that a report from CIPFA was expected to outline the national picture, however currently the authority were not see any specific areas of concern.  Members also referred to the risk of fraud in relation to grants to businesses and other causes and Members requested sight of the monthly returns for fraudulent attempts.


RESOLVED – That the Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy, as appended to the submitted report, be approved


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