Report of the Managing Director
The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) which outlined a number of changes and adjustments required to enable meetings to be held, and to some of the conventions applied at meetings. The submitted report presented information to Members on the suggested approach to meetings during the current pandemic, and the Meetings (Coronavirus) Protocol was set out in Appendix 1 of the submitted report.
RESOLVED – (a) That the approach suggested for meetings held during the coronavirus pandemic be noted.
(b) That the Meetings (Coronavirus) Protocol be adopted with immediate effect.
(c) That the Monitoring Officer be delegated to add the Meetings (Coronavirus) Protocol as an addendum to the Constitution and to make any consequential changes to the Constitution that are necessary.
REASONS – (a) To enable meetings of Councillors to go ahead with appropriate adjustments to take account of the coronavirus pandemic.
(b) To give some flexibility moving forward with format for meetings, dependent on national and local conditions concerning the pandemic and the risks posed.
(c) To provide some clarity about the way in which meetings will be held during the pandemic and that this is reflected in the Constitution.
Supporting documents: