Agenda item

Notification of Decision on Appeals


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services will report that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, have :-


Dismissed the appeal by Mr Bahadin Mohammed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission to vary Condition No. 4 of 18/01166/CU which states that: The hot food takeaway hereby approved shall not be open to customers outside the hours of 1200 to 2100 Monday to Saturday and 1200 to 2000 on a Sunday at 303 and 303A North Road, Darlington (18/01166/CU) (Copy of Inspector’s decision letter attached)


Dismissed the appeal by Mr Alan Agar against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for outline application for the erection of 1 no. detached dwelling house at 22 Westacres, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1LJ (18/01119/OUT) (Copy of Inspector’s decision letter attached)


Dismissed the appeal by Mrs Lisa Bentley against this Authority’s decision to refuse consent for works to trees protected under Tree Preservation Order (No 6) 2010 - Pollarding of 3 No. Yew Trees up to 6m above ground level at Friary Cottage, 7 Church Lane, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1DD (19/00351/TF) (Copy of Inspector’s decision letter attached)


RECOMMENDED – That the report be received.


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services reported that, Inspectors, appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment, had :-


Dismissed the appeal by Mr Bahadin Mohammed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission to vary Condition No. 4 of 18/01166/CU which states that: The hot food takeaway hereby approved shall not be open to customers outside the hours of 1200 to 2100 Monday to Saturday and 1200 to 2000 on a Sunday at 303 and 303A North Road, Darlington (18/01166/CU).


Dismissed the appeal by Mr Alan Agar against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for outline application for the erection of 1 no. detached dwelling house at 22 Westacres, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1LJ (18/01119/OUT).


Dismissed the appeal by Mrs Lisa Bentley against this Authority’s decision to refuse consent for works to trees protected under Tree Preservation Order (No 6) 2010 - Pollarding of 3 No. Yew Trees up to 6m above ground level at Friary Cottage, 7 Church Lane, Middleton St George, Darlington DL2 1DD (19/00351/TF).


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

Supporting documents: