Agenda item

Covid Update

Report of the Director of Children and Adults Services and Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Director of Children and Adults Services and Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with an overview of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Council’s response with a focus on health protection and outbreak management by implementing government policy; and updating Members on decisions taken with regard to the services relevant to this Committee.


The submitted report provided details of the virus, including symptoms and spread; that on 11 March 2020 the World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic, with Europe becoming the epicenter for the disease by mid-March; and a number of links to international, national and local statistics were provided.


Reference was made to the national, regional and local response to the outbreak; on 16 April, 2020, lockdown was extended and that five tests, evidence that the NHS can cope; a sustained fall in death rates (daily); evidence that the Reproduction number (R) is decreasing; confidence in testing arrangements, enough PPE to meet demand; and no risk of a second peak, must be met to allow easing of restrictions.


The local response, led by the County Durham and Darlington Local Resilience Forum (LRF) focused on a number of workstreams to respond to the pandemic, namely community support; excess deaths; intelligence and data; media; multi-agency information; PPE; and recovery.


Testing was a key element of the national response; a local agreement with CDDFT made available COVID-19 testing for all council employees with coronavirus symptoms, with tests and results provided quickly. This offer was extended to Care Home Staff; NHS workers and other key workers from LRF responding organisations; and this was not a national offer.


Details were provided in respect of Housing Services; rent arrears in May had increased from 2.8% at year end to 3.3%, however due to continued support from Housing Income, this increase was lower than other social housing providers; and support continued to be provided to ensure payment plans and tenancies were maintained, particularly as the number of claims for Universal Credit increased by 66.5% when compared to the same period last year.


It was reported that there had been a significant increase in the number of presentations for homelessness, rough sleeping or at risk of being homeless; Housing Options had worked with over 300 clients and had placed 57 households in temporary accommodation for the period of April and May 2020. 


Reference was made to the work of the Lifeline Team during the outbreak; staff had been present throughout at sheltered housing, extra care and good neighbours schemes; and virtual activities had been delivered to reduce social isolation during the period.


It was reported that the Dolphin Centre and Eastbourne Sports Complex were closed to the public on 17 March 2020; Leisure teams were redeployed to various essential roles within Darlington’s Community Hub; the Dolphin Centre had been opened for town centre toilet use; Eastbourne Sports Complex opened on 9 June with a staggered programme of outdoor activity introduced in a phased approach; and school meals and community catering service continued throughout the pandemic. Following the announcement by Government that Gyms and swimming pools could reopen, a safe system of work had been developed and was awaiting sign off by Health and Safety, Public Health England and Unions.


Discussion ensued on bereavement support. Members were advised of the work being undertaken as part of TEWV’s recovery plans; frontline and IAPS were being equipped to manage the anticipated increase in new patients with bereavement needs; and work was being undertaken with GPs including signposting to Cruse Bereavement Care.


Regarding testing for key workers it was confirmed that testing was now widely available; a repeat testing programme for care home staff was fully implemented; testing was also in place for patients being discharged from hospital to care home settings and for those patients being placed in a care home from their own homes.


Following a question by Members, it was confirmed that the home coaching service was still in the development phase; and that the next phase would involve liaison with GP’s; and that social prescribing ensured patients were connected to other services for the health and wellbeing needs.


Members raised concern in respect of access to toilets in the town centre for residents that held ‘no waiting’ cards and felt further work was required to educate shops and businesses in the town.


Concern was also raised regarding the reopening of play areas and the difficulties in monitoring usage. Members were advised that although this was difficult to monitor, the Local Outbreak Control Plan would help ensure clear messaging for public engagement and population safety; outdoor exercise was lower risk than indoors; and that the message to wash hands should be reinforced.


RESOLVED – (a) That the report be noted.


(b) That the thanks of the Scrutiny Committee to NHS, Council and other key workers be recorded.

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