Report of the Director of Economic Growth
The Director of Economic Growth submitted a report (previously circulated) to invite Members to determine a new reduced fee for the licensing and operation of Pavement Cafes in the borough of Darlington in line with new legislation.
It was reported that the Government had proposed new legislation, Business and Planning Bill which received Royal Assent on 22 July and if passed, was likely to be enacted before the end of July, which will be temporary until 30 September 2021 and developed to encourage the consumption of food and drink outdoors where the process of making an application for a licence had been slimlined. This would allow for businesses to obtain a licence to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs outside of cafes, bars and restaurants quickly, for a fee not exceeding £100.
Members discussed the current Pavement Café fees; the current Pavement Café Policy; and gave consideration to the pavement café licence between the range of no fee up to £100 for issue until 30 September 2021 with the aim of enhancing the use of public space and aid the local economy by adding the facilities offered to people who visit, live and work in the borough of Darlington.
RESOLVED – That this General Licensing Committee agree to follow the Government legislation, namely the Business and Planning Act and set ‘no fee’ for pavement café licences for issue until 30 September 2021.
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