Submitted – The Minutes (previously circulated) of the meeting of this Scrutiny Committee held on 29 June and 13 July 2020; and the informal meeting held on 7 September 2020.
Matters arising were in relation to school attendance, and Members were advised that this is still above the national average; questioned when the use of ‘reasonable endeavours’ to allow for local authorities to discharge their duties throughout the pandemic ceased, and were advised that this ceased in September; and regarding digital inclusion to allow for all children to have access to laptops and wi-fi questioned if there was enough resource to meet demands for this equipment, especially during periods of isolation (Ref CYP8/Jul/20 refers).
RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the meetings of this Scrutiny Committee held on 29 June and 13 July, and the informal meeting held on 7 September 2020 be approved as a correct record.