Agenda item

Tree and Woodland Strategy 2021-2031

Report of Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services


The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) seeking Members views on the Draft Tree and Woodland Strategy 2021-2031, as part of the wider consultation prior to being considered by Cabinet.


It was reported that a Tree and Woodland Strategy had been in place since 2000; covered the Council’s approach to the management and development of trees throughout the Borough, including council owned and trees on private land in private ownership; that this was the second update of the Strategy; and that public consultation would run from 1 September 2020 for a period of six weeks.


Discussion ensued in respect of residents’ concerns on the management of trees, particularly those in an inappropriate location; the commitment to plant 10,000 trees in partnership with ‘Friends of’ and community groups; and staffing levels within the department. Following a query from Members regarding the maintenance schedule, including tree inspections, the Senior Arboricultural Officer confirmed that not all trees were inspected on an individual basis; some locations, such as woodlands, were inspected by undertaking a visual audit of the periphery; any trees near to roads and pathways were inspected and removed as and when required.



RESOLVED ­– That, as part of the consultation process, Cabinet be advised of this Scrutiny’s view that:


(a)  consideration should be given to the addition of impact on quality of life as a factor when considering tree maintenance and removal;

(b)  clarification be sought in respect of the special circumstances that would prevent the replacement of a tree following removal;

(c)  clarification be sought as to whether trees removed are replaced by the same number of trees.

(d)  consideration should be given to the inclusion of hedgerows, including their replacement when removed, in the Tree and Woodland Strategy 2021-2031.

Supporting documents: