Presentation by Public Health Specialist
Ken Ross, the Public Health Specialist gave a presentation to Members on public health and Post Covid-19 priorities.
The presentation outlined the government’s obesity strategy launched in July 2020 recognising obesity as a significant risk factor for Covid-19 and which also complements the Darlington Healthy Weight Plan, a whole system approach to providing an environment that supports healthy choice; highlighted how schools were being supported with mental health issues including the successful Trailblazer bid for school based mental health support through transition, focus on children and young people in years 4-8 from September 2021 and the Emotional Health and Resilience Nurse commissioned from the Harrogate and District Foundation Trust.
The presentation also highlighted how the 0-19 Service had at the start of lockdown changed its style of delivery and prioritised families to ensure the most vulnerable had contact by the service which was delivered by various virtual means and the service had received positive feedback from parents and families who had accessed the service during this time.
Regarding healthy eating Members discussed with the Public Health Specialist and the representatives of the Primary Schools Forum and the 11-19 Partnership what was being offered in schools for lunches, packed lunches, the voucher scheme and free school meals; how to tackle an obesogenic society; and the mental health support within schools and specialized mental health support.
Members thanked Ken Ross for his presentation and also extended thanks to to his team for their work throughout the pandemic.