Agenda item

Response to COVID-19 & Local Outbreak Control plan

Presentation by Director of Public Health


The Director of Public Health gave a presentation to update Board on the response to COVID-19 and on the Local Outbreak Control Plan.


Members were provided with details of the four stages of the response of the Council to the COVID-19 pandemic; the Local Outbreak Plan, which sets out measures to prevent and manage local outbreaks; and the seven themes of the plan were outlined. In relation to Theme 7: Governance, it was confirmed that the Health and Wellbeing Board was acting as the COVID-19 Engagement Board.


Details were provided of the communication and engagement in place to prevent local outbreaks; and an example was provided of the Councils corporate branding that was due to be published.


Discussion ensued on partnership working; the importance of clear, consistent messaging to maintain the current position; and the need to focus on the wider health determinants.


RESOLVED – That the thanks of the Board be conveyed to the Director of Public Health for her informative presentation.


REASON – To convey the views of the Board

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