Agenda item

182 Northgate, Darlington


20/00266/FUL – Conversion of building to provide 2 No. retail units (Use Class A1) and 24 No. apartments (Use Class C3) including demolition of delivery/goods bay to rear, erection of second floor extension incorporating mezzanine floor and pitched roof, creation of external amenity areas, cladding to elevations, bin storage, cycle provision, retail storage, access and delivery area and associated internal and external alterations.


(In consideration of this item, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the concerns of the Conservation Officer, five letters of objection, including one objection from the Friends of Stockton and Darlington Railway, one letter of support from the Campaign to Protect Rural England, and responses to questions asked by Members of the Applicant’s Agent during the meeting.)


Councillor Johnson moved the Officers recommendation contained within the report, which was duly seconded.


Councillor Wallis moved the following Amendment, which was seconded by Councillor McCollom:


‘That Planning Permission be refused as the proposed development of this site by reason of its design and physical appearance would have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of the Northgate Conservation Area and the setting of adjacent Grade II listed buildings, contrary to Policies CS2 and CS14 of the Darlington Core Strategy Development Plan Document, 2011.’


The Amendment was put to the meeting and was carried, in doing so it became the Substantive Motion.


The Substantive Motion was then put to the meeting, and fell.


RESOLVED – No decision was made, and therefore the item was deferred to the next meeting of the Planning Applications Committee.

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