Agenda item

Quality Accounts 2019/20

Report of Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) on the Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust Quality Accounts 2019/20, requesting that consideration be given to the Quality Accounts to enable this Committee’s input into the draft commentary to be included in the Final Quality Accounts.


The submitted report stated that Members had previously agreed to be more involved with the local Foundation Trusts Quality Accountsto enable them to have a better understanding and knowledge of performance when submitting the commentaries on the Quality Accounts at the end of the Municipal Year 2019/20. As a result, Members had received regular performance reports from TEWV.


Reference was made to the revised deadlines for publishing Quality Accounts;  the deadline had been extended to December in light of pressures caused by COVID-19; and Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust had agreed an internal deadline of October 2020.


The Head of Planning and Business Development, Director of Quality Governance and Head of Quality Governance and Complianceprovided a PowerPoint presentation for Members who gave full consideration to the Quality Account and raised a number of questions and queries on various aspects of the Accounts.


The Trust welcomed Members comments and thanked them for their input.


RESOLVED – That a commentary forTees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust Quality Accounts 2019/20 be drafted and submitted.






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