Agenda item

Annual Grant Certification Report 2018/19

Report of the Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) together with a report (also previously circulated) produced by Ernst and Young (EY), which summarised the high level results of its grants certification testing.


Helen Henshaw and Michael Mason, EY, attended the meeting and reported that the external audit work undertaken had identified that the claim certified, worth a net total of £33,395,659, required a qualification letter, although no amendment was made to the claim.


In addition, it was reported that Ernst and Young had also audited three claims that fell outside of the Public Sector Audit Appointments arrangements, in relation to Teachers’ Pension, the Housing Pooling return and the 2018-19 Homes England Compliance Audit Checklist, and that no significant issues from those claims had been identified.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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