Agenda item

Right Care Right Place Update

Report of Director of Operations, Durham & Darlington Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust



The Director of Operations, Durham and Darlington, Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the progress with the Right Care Right Place programme.


It was reported that the programme was launched in the summer of 2019; aimed to deliver improved experiences and outcomes for service users, staff and partners by focusing on how the services and partners could work better together; and that following system engagement and a vision development event in 2019, a number of initial priorities were identified, with testing and implementation initiated in early 2020.


It was also reported that whilst the formal priorities and actions had been paused due to COVID-19,  work had continued to progress different ways of working; and an updated position against the key priorities was summarized in the submitted report.


RESOLVED – That the update and ongoing work be noted.

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